Hi everyone!
This is my first post this blog and I will teach you basics of the ktoling programming language, adnroid framework and android studio.
And then we will code some basic functional apps and test them.
In the past, we were creating android apps only with java, in the java IDE's. But Google and intellij made the Android studio in 2013 and now we use fourth vesron of android studio and everything is easier then past.
But we will not use java in this tutorial series. Because Google developed the kotlin language and they seriously recommending us to Kotlin to develop android apps.
We will use Kotlin because we want to be up to date!! its 2022!! And this is good news for you!! Kotlin more understandable and flexible to use.
Lets begin to our journey!!
We have to setup and configurate android environment to dvelop apps..
1)Install the android studio
2) setup a virtual device
First of all we need to install Android studio. We will create our apps on this software.,
Type google "android stuido"
Download the android studio version that suitable for your operating system.,
Then install the software like any other software.
choose the option "do not import" beacuse we do not have any existing configurations.
After installling, open the android studio and this screen will show up.
We will create a new project.
In the other screen, there will be different activities for you to select. They are useful depending on what you want to develop. But we can create these activities manually, of course!! its just easier.
For now we select "empty activity"
In this screen you can canfigurate your app name, package name, supported android versions etc.
There is a tip: if you lower your minimum supported api, you can support more devices around the world. But you will cannot use the modern functions etc!!
I prefer the API 21( android version 5) its not very old that.
1) this is our hierarchy panel. We can navigate around our different classes and files.
2)this is our the place where we code. Now its shows "MainActivity.kt"
3) this is the edge for some utilities and tools.
Lets create and run an emulator!!
we can run our apps on both, our physical devices and emulators. Emulators are really life saving when you want to test your app on differen screen sizes, devices and android versions!!
Click on this box and create a virtual device.
I'm choosing the pixel 5, you can select different devices with different screen sizes!
next, choose your android version that you want to have in your virtual android device.
when youre done with creating your virtual device, you can see and select it on the available devices panel
Now, I click the run button, the studio will compile our app , open our emulator, install our app and run it.
And here it is, our first applicaton is alive and running!!
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